
public protocol XorGaussianEliminationSolver

Implementation of Gaussian elimination algorithm for system of XOR equations, i.e. equations like the following: x2 ^ x1 ^ x0 = 0.

  • findActivatedVariablesInEquations(_:) Default implementation

    Find all possible solutions for a system of XOR equations.

    Default Implementation

    Find all possible solutions for a system of XOR equations.



    func findActivatedVariablesInEquations(_ equations: Set<Set<Int>>) -> [[Int]]



    Set of equations where each equation is represented by a set of indexes. For example, the following equation: x2 ^ x0 = 0, is represented with this set: (2, 0).

    Return Value

    A list of solutions where each solution is a list of indexes. If a system of equations if composed of variables: x0, x1 & x2 and in a given solution x1=0 while x0=1 & x2=1, the list of indexes for this solutions is: (2, 0)